Keen to provide a modern high-quality working environment, Lima e Falcão Advogados has a full infrastructure that ranks among the best in the country and the most up-to-date technology.

This infrastructure enables the firm to provide services with a high degree of accuracy, efficiency and convenience.

  • The head office has a floor space of 1,600 m² and is strategically located on one of the city's most easily accessible thoroughfares.
  • It has a library with a stock 2,000 books and periodicals.
  • A high-performance network uses state-of-the-art equipment.
  • Smartphones, tablets and laptops are made available for staff.
  • Highly accessible physical and virtual servers are designed to function non-stop.
  • Modern tools provide maximum information security for clients.
  • Cases, contracts and publications are managed using advanced modern software – Seven Gerenciador Jurídico.
  • Integrated Software for Financial and Accounting Management - Megassistemas Corporativos.
  • Business Intelligence (BI) e Reporting Software – QlickView.
  • Communication and Management systems that allow the monitoring of all work processes, not only by employees but also by clients.
  • Email Management - Microsoft Office 365.
"A high-performance network uses
state-of-the-art equipment."

"Modern tools provide maximum
information security for clients."